How to fix your Skype profile/database after switching from 4.2 to 4.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 (x86_64)

Run the following SQL using sqlite3 on your main.db database (which is inside your $HOME/.Skype/<skype_username> directory) ...

How to get the exact time and date of upload of YouTube videos

The YouTube page of a video displays only the date the video was published. However the YouTube API provides a way to get the exact date+time of upload, as well as publishing.

5 Awesome Open Source Cloning Software

"This is a list of the free and open source software for disk imaging and cloning that you can use for GNU/Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X desktop operating systems.

How to use -map option of FFmpeg, i.e. how to map various input streams into output streams

The FFmpeg howto's examples (at the moment) are all about working with a single input file. Merging streams from multiple input files into a single output file is just as simple.

CyanogenMod (CM11), Trebuchet and home screen rotation

There's a lot of whining on the net about not being able to enable home screen rotation in CM11. Well, this is what the source code is for. Smile And you are able to enable home screen rotation (without compiling your own version of Trebuchet or switching to an alternative launcher), just not through the UI.

PhotoGrabber - a free and open-source Facebook album/photo downloader app

A cross platform desktop application to download images from Facebook. It's written in Python.

How to grep through (aka. find) binary files looking for a byte sequence (aka. pattern match)

Here's my approach using more or less standard Unix/Linux tools:
find . -type f -exec fgrep -aqs $'\x3c\x3f\x70' '{}' \; -print

If your shell does not support the $'\xHH' notation (eg. standard POSIX shell does not, but bash and zsh do), then you can always fall back to echo's octal representation (although it's a bit uncomfortable since most hexeditors and viewers support the hexadecimal format):
patt="$(/bin/echo '\074\077\160')"
find . -type f -exec fgrep -aqs "$patt" '{}' \; -print

iStat Pro Widget External IP Fix

Open the $HOME/Library/Widgets/iStat Pro.wdgt/scripts/core.js script in a text editor, find the getExtIP() function and replace the following line:
ipURL = ''+new Date().getTime();

with this (or a similiar "what's my ip" service URL):
ipURL = ''+new Date().getTime();

And the following:
if(extIP.length < 20 && ipConnection.status == 200 && extIP.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/)){

With these:
ip_regex = "\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}";
if(extIP.length < 100000 && ipConnection.status == 200 && extIP.match(new RegExp(ip_regex))){
    extIP = extIP.replace(new RegExp("^(.*[^\\d])?(" + ip_regex + ")([^\\d].*)?$"), "$2");

This patch lets you use quite many "what's my IP" services since the the script will take the first IP looking string from the result of the HTTP request.

Manually running a media scan on Android

The problem is well known: if you make changes in to filesystem using a method that does not notify Media Storage, then browsing your device via MTP won't show the changes (eg. new files, etc.).

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