Stowaway - static analysis tool for identifying permission use in Android apps

"Parts of the Android API are protected with permissions. In order to access protected API calls, developers must request the appropriate permissions in their applications' manifests. If a developer asks for more permissions than an application needs, then the application is overprivileged. Preventing overprivilege is important. Extra permissions may (1) unnecessarily deter users from installing applications, (2) unnecessarily accustom users to accepting lots of permissions, and (3) needlessly increase the potential damage of application vulnerabilities. Stowaway -a static analysis tool- detects overprivilege in compiled Android applications. Stowaway determines the set of API calls that an application uses and then maps those API calls to permissions. Automated testing tools were used on the Android API to build the permission map."

The tool itself seems to be not yet publicly available, but the website lets you upload an APK for analysis and review the results.