"HTTP 404 Not Found" errors :-)

There're some web administrators who spend quite some time creating funny/amusing pages for the standard HTTP 404 ("Page not found") error codes. You get these normally if you try to access a page on a server that does not exist, however some guys (or girls ... you cannot know for sure nowadays Wink) make custom designed pages for these events. I'll collect them here and I'd be glad if others could contribute as well. Smile

I've added an asterisk to "fake" HTTP 404 error pages, where I mean you'll get it if you access that one url and not on "true" HTTP 404 events. For true HTTP 404 error pages I've added some random string to the end of the URL to get the 404 error.

Here's the list:
  1. http://invitel.hu/clidey/ (*)
  2. http://www.scintilla.utwente.nl/
  3. http://tubes404.ytmnd.com/ (*)
  4. http://www.fotoprizma.hu/
  5. http://www.shell.linux.se/
  6. http://www.delmagyar.hu/
  7. http://stackoverflow.com/
  8. http://www.neurobio.pte.hu/


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A 404 Haiku

On a private intranet server the HTTP 404 error showed the following message:
404 Error Haiku

You step in the stream,
but the water has moved on.
This page is not here.
