WebDAV servers?

Is there any viable (preferably open source) alternative to the mod_dav Apache module for providing a WebDAV server? I'd like to use Mozilla Lightning as a calendar application, but I also need to access it from multiple environments (office and home). It is a must-have requirement that I can store the calendar data on some networked server.

However running an Apache just for the WebDAV functionality is not a tempting solution. And of course the other problem is that mod_dav is "a bit" out of date: according to the official website the last release was in 2001. Shock I wonder why did the developers of Lightning/Sunbird not add IMAP-support? Thunderbird already has it ... it would be certainly not a big deal to use Thunderbird's IMAP-libraries to store all the calendar-data on the server, would it be? Shock


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Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat has a built-in webapplication which provides a basic WebDAV support. It works, I've tried it out.

it's all the same

Thanks for the tip! However I see not much difference between using Tomcat (a full featured Java application server) for WebDAV, than using Apache (a full featured webserver). Wink My point was to see whether there exists a specific (and therefore a lot more "thin") WebDAV server that I could use. I do not need 99% of Apache's or Tomcat's functionality ... just a simple WebDAV server. Eg. there're lots of simple webservers that provide very basic HTTP functionality (they simply share a directory on the 80 TCP port using HTTP). I'm looking for a similiarly plain and "featureless" WebDAV server. Smile

Meanwhile I've set up mod_dav in Apache (it works well), however I still feel it's like shooting with guns on sparrows. Sad

Note that Apache httpd is

Note that Apache httpd is modular. So you don't have to load modules you don't need. Just comment out the unneeded "LoadModule" lines Smile

On my WinXP it is using less than 500k memory.

not bad :-)

I didn't know that Apache can be stripped down like that. Shock I thought that even without any modules (just the core) it would take n*10MB ... Smile Thanks for the tip!

The current version of

The current version of mod_dav is integrated into Apache httpd (sic!).

Apache2 only

Thanks. Meanwhile I've found it, too. The problem is that it's only in Apache2 and there's no backport for Apache 1.3.x (or at least I don't know about it). The server I'm using has Apache 1.3.x and it will be kept like that for some time.