Thunderbird 2.0

My first impression is that not much has changed, at least not from a user's perspective. However some small, annoying things have broken. Sad I've erased all my settings, TB profile, etc., just to make sure that my old profile won't mess up things. Despite of my precautions, my name did not manage to get stored properly. The "ü" in "Müller" was stored in prefs.js somehow flawed. I did not inspect the exact bytes that were stored in my new profile as full name, but every time I wanted to send a letter TB complained that it contained characters that were not part of the current encoding, which was not true ... at least I did nothing to make that happen. As I found out, my sender name contained the "illegal" character. My name used to be encoded in the From: header like this: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?M=FCller_Zsolt?=. With my new profile it became this: =?ISO-8859-2?Q?M=FC=3Fller_Zsolt?=. Did you notice the extra 0x3F byte after the "ü" character? Now that was the source of the problem. I opened prefs.js with a text editor, corrected my name and it fixed the issue.

However that was not all. My signature file is read badly too. Sad It's a plain, ISO-8859-2 encoded text file and it contains my name ("Müller") too. Somehow the new Thunderbird doesn't like my name. :-> It replaces the "ü" with this (it's not a comma though, it just looks like one): "¸"

So far I've not noticed other bugs, but I'm sure they're still to come. Smile I wonder whether these problems are only in the Mac version? I'll find out soon enough when I upgrade at my work (where we currently use Windows and will move to Linux quite soon).


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Mac only

OK ... I've now set up TB 2.0 on a Windows server and it read the very same signature file flawlessly that the Mac version failed. Typical ... they focus on the Windows build since 99% of TB users sits on top of a Winshit box. Sad