Ryan vs. Dorkman 2

If you think you've already seen some good home made lightsaber duel, then think again. Laughing out loud This is the one we've been waiting for. Smile For geeks with enough bandwidth (and/or time) there's a high-res version (1280x720, 430 MB) over at divx.com. You'll need their so called "DivX webplayer" plugin to watch that though.


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Ryan vs. Dorkman (revisited)

I just watched the vids again and also checked the net whether a new sequel was made. It turned out that the vids are now available at their own website. Apparently they've found enough bandwidth to share the full versions with the public. Smile They've also created a remastered version of the first duel video which is now available as a high-res download too.

At the project's Wikipedia page it is written that a 3rd duel is planned, but no deadline or whatsoever is available at the moment.

Ryan in "Heroes, countdown to the premier"

I just saw Ryan Wieber in a short interview in the special Heroes event (countdown to the premier of season 3). He explained how they shoot the sequences of Nakamura stopping time.