Back from Scotland

Today (at around 2:30 in the morning) our bus rolled in to the car park between the "Hősök tere" (Heroes' square) and the "Felvonulási tér" (Marching Square). Finally we returned from the country of neverending rain, bagpipes and Scottish skirts (known as the "kilt"). We had a very nice time there and -apart from some problems with the lodging- enjoyed it very much. Smile I'll upload lots of photos in the gallery quite soon, I just have to process all the NEFs (I shot over a thousand pics) with Aperture.


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Nem akarok türelmetlennek tűnni, de...türelmetlenül várom a fényképeket Skóciáról:)

Re: fotók

Nem vagy türelmetlen ... sőt. Smile Így egy hónap után már igazán fent lehetnének a képek. Szólok is a fotósomnak, hogy kapja össze magát ... Wink