I've tested five methods for downloading YouTube videos, only two worked.
Some time ago I used
DownloadHelper for all my video download needs, but lately (sometime in the past year) it stopped working on YouTube. It seems that YT started to block 3rd party access to videos ... or at least they do whatever they can to stop downloads.
Of course they cannot succeed, since your browser has to be able to access the video somehow ... and that means you can download it too. All YT can do is tweak the download method every now and then to break 3rd party downloaders. A cat and mouse game. So your best bet is to use a tool that is updated regularily.
I started looking at the various available Greasemonkey scripts and found lots of them. However even among the popular ones many did not work for me.
Here's my list:
Of course, this doesn't mean that at the time you read this, the status of these scripts will be the same. Probably some will not be maintained anymore, new ones will appear, etc. The idea here is that you should not stop looking for a working one just because the first few you've found did not work.
HD Suite
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