Wheel support in Mac OS X

I'm relieved to see that I do not have to give up my Logitech MOMO Racing Wheel. Smile I was a bit disappointed when I looked for some sort of driver or controller software for the wheel and Mac OS X, but didn't find any at Logitech's site. However I did not give up, googled a bit on the subject and came up with the result that there's builtin wheel-support in Mac OS X and that my wheel in particular does work with the Mac. Smile


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Joysticks in Mac OS X

It seems (as far as I can tell based on what I've found on the net) that Mac OS X has builtin support for USB joysticks as well. According to this forum topic I'll have no problem using my Thrustmaster Afterburner II on Mac OS X. Let's hope so. Smile

There's also a small utility called Joystick And Gamepad Tester that you can use to test whether the OS can detect and handle your joystick or not.