Bandwidth throttling on the Mac

Four popular solutions:
  1. Mac OS X (starting with Tiger) provides bandwidth throttling capabilities through the built-in ipfw firewall. It's well described in this article. You'll need a bit of commandline knowledge though.
  2. WaterRoof is a GUI frontend to ipfw and somebody posted a nice tutorial on how to use it to throttle network bandwidth.
  3. There's an even easier way and it's called Entonnoir. It's a small GUI app that requires almost no networking knowledge. However it's not open-source so you can never know what you get your hands on.
  4. If you're just in need to limit your browsing bandwidth (eg. for web development and testing), you can always use one of the many HTTP proxies that support bandwidth throttling. One of them is the excellent Charles Web Debugging Proxy (but it's only a 30-day shareware so you either buy it or look for an open-source alternative).


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Very useful summary.