Recover lost Weblogic admin password (tested with 10.3.3)

There's a python script in the referenced forum topic that displays the administrator password of your WebLogic AdminServer. I've tested it with WebLogic v10.3.3 and it worked just fine. In the forum post the script code needs a bit of a cleanup and it didn't work out-of-the-box. I had to comment out the first for in the main function. I've attached the ready for use version of the script, just in case the forum vanishes into thin air. Congrats go to the author of the script!

I've put the script in this dir: WL_HOME/common/bin/

Now about running the script:
cp servers/AdminServer/security/ .
WL_HOME/common/bin/ WL_HOME/common/bin/

wlsdecrypt.py4.15 KB


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Works with Weblogic 9.2 on Windows too

Tested on a Weblogic 9.2 server (running on a Windows 2003 server) and worked just fine.