Python script to list libvirt domains with their descriptions

Unfortunately neither the virsh command, nor virt-manager give you the option to list your virtual machines with their descriptions. If you've a couple of dozen (or even hundred) VMs, the short VM name is pretty soon going to be not enough to find the given VM you're looking for.

Domains in libvirt have a description field that you can use to add a more elaborate description of the purpose of the VM. But there's no way to list domains with their descriptions. Here comes my script in the game. It can do just that: it mimics the virsh list command's behaviour, but with a few small differences. Eg. the list is sorted by the domain name (to help you find a given domain by name faster), it contains the description field and it supports machine parsable output (eg. fields are optionally separated by a user-specified delimiter). The script supports the usual --connect option too, so you can use it over SSH (etc.) too.

virlist.py6.09 KB