BusyBox on non-rooted Android devices

On rooted devices you can use the popular BusyBox app to set up BusyBox into /system/xbin and add this path to the default shell path.
On non-rooted devices it's a bit more complicated. Usually you can put your own stuff into /data/local/tmp and this is what I opted to do.

I've attached a ZIP that has BusyBox v1.23.1 and a few shell scripts (both for Linux and Windows) to:
  • bb_install_on_device: install the busybox binary into /data/local/bin/bb and create the command symlinks on your device
  • bb_cleanup: remove the /data/local/bin/bb directory from your device
  • bb_shell.sh: launch a shell via ADB and inject the correct PATH variable so BusyBox commands are already accessible from the start (this script is only available for Linux, since I've no idea how to inject keystrokes into ADB's shell on Windows)
BusyBox_for_non-rooted_Android.zip618.81 KB