Home - The Movie

"In 200.000 years on Earth, humanity has upset the balance of the planet, estabilished by nearly four billion years of evolution. The price to pay is high, but it's too late to be a pessimist: humanity has barely ten years to reverse the trend, become aware of the full extent of its spoliation of the Earth's riches and change its patterns of consumption.

By bringing us unique footage from over fifty countries, all seen from the air, by sharing with us his wonder and his concern, with this film Yann Arthus-Bertrand lays a foundation stone for the edifice that, together, we must rebuild."

The movie features beautiful cinematography. If for no other reason, then watch it just because it's a masterpiece in showing off the beauties of Earth. Smile

TCP port testing links for convenience

The http://portquiz.net/ site provides a valuable service for free: the server listens an almost all TCP ports and replies with a simple HTML if the request was successful. You can use this to test whether something between a client and this server filters access to certain ports.

If you're testing from a browser, keep in mind that they block access to certain ports as well.
Chromium's list: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/refs/heads/master/net/base/port_util.cc
Firefox's list: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/tip/netwerk/base/nsIOService.cpp

The latter is an extension of the Chromium list by adding the 4160 and 6679 ports.

How to summarize a YouTube video with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is free only through the web UI and it has an approx. 4000 character (~500 words) limitation for the input, aka. prompt.

There're easy to use methods to generate a summary for short videos.
E.g. https://notegpt.io/youtube-video-summarizer

There's a Chrome & Safari browser extension that does the trick very nicely for short videos:
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude

It can download a video's subtitles and feed it to ChatGPT, but it works well only for shorter (< 20-30 min) videos.
Anything longer and the extension has to cut corners by submitting only a part of the subtitles.
I think that in a standard browser environment an extension running on one page cannot open a new page and manipulate the new tab's content.
At least it would take something like this to copy over the entire subtitle of a YT video to ChatGPT in the browser.
You could probably do this in an Electron app though, but that's a lot of work and I've no experience with Electron.

I've worked out a half-automated, quick & dirty method on how to feed all of the subtitles into ChatGPT and get a summary for the entire video.

How to add page numbers to the footer of a PDF

You'll need the ghostscript and pdftk packages installed for the following to work.

How to download Chrome and Edge extensions in CRX v3 format

This post is probably going to become outdated pretty fast, so don't be surprised if a few months (or a year) after I wrote this, the method won't work.

For Chrome:
curl -v -o t.crx -L \

For Edge (the Chromium based one):
curl -v -o t.crx -L \

In both cases you've to specify the extension ID in the "extensionID" variable. And of course you can adjust the other URI parameters if you want to.

500 méter

2020 novemberében a magyar kormány a Covid-19 fertőzés visszaszorítása érdekében különféle korlátozásokat vezetett be. Ezek egyike az esti kijárási tilalom, ami alól a kutyagazdák speciális "felmentést" kaptak: a lakcímtől számított 500 méteren belül korlátlanul engedélyezett a kutyasétáltatás.

Lásd pl.: https://njt.hu/jogszabaly/2020-484-20-22.23

Az (1) bekezdéstől eltérően kutyasétáltatás céljából éjfél és reggel 5 óra között megengedett a lakóhely, a tartózkodási hely vagy a szálláshely elhagyása, illetve a közterületen tartózkodás azzal, hogy a kutyasétáltatás során a lakóhely, a tartózkodási hely vagy a szálláshely 500 méteres körzete nem hagyható el.

Az alábbi térkép segít eme 500m sugarú kör meghatározásában. Címre kereshetsz vagy kattintással jelölhetsz meg egy pontot, ami köré egy 500 méter sugarú kört rajzol. Így könnyebben dönthetik el a kutyagazdák/-sétáltatók, hogy az esti kijárási tilalom alatt meddig távolodhatnak el a lakóhelyüktől.

Kattints ide a térképhez, majd a "Result" fülre: https://muzso.hu/files/500/

Polipo - an HTTP proxy with SOCKS upstream proxy support

There're still a few tools (eg. npm, the Node Package Manager) that only support HTTP proxies and not SOCKS proxies. There're a couple of tools to "socksify" programs without builtin SOCKS support, but they do not work in all scenarios (eg. statically compiled apps, etc.). As a matter of fact, I tried to use npm like this, but it failed with an error message.

So what do you need to work around the issue? An HTTP proxy that can forward the incoming requests over a SOCKS proxy. Polipo can do that for you. Smile

Nautilus Actions became FileManager-Actions

I started using Nautilus Actions approximately 9 years ago and loved the level of (file manager) customization that it allowed without compiling anything, merely by writing shell scripts. Meanwhile the project morphed into Gnome's FileManager-Actions and supports other file managers as well.

Unfortunately it's not included in the official Ubuntu 18.04 repositories, but of course there're workarounds: it's available from a PPA or you can compile it yourself.

I chose the latter and here're the simple commands to do it:
# install build dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall dblatex gnome-doc-utils gtk-doc-tools intltool libgconf2-dev libgtop2-dev libnautilus-extension-dev libxml2-dev rarian-compat uuid-dev
# download the source
wget "https://download.gnome.org/sources/filemanager-actions/3.4/filemanager-actions-3.4.tar.xz"
# extract
tar -xf filemanager-actions-3.4.tar.xz
# configure the project
cd filemanager-actions-3.4
./configure --with-nautilus --disable-scrollkeeper
# compile
make -j5
# build a DEB package
checkinstall -y -D --pkgname filemanager-actions-nautilus --requires nautilus make install-strip

This builds a Debian package that you can save for later (in case you've to reinstall it or install it on another computer, etc.).

P.S.: You can remove the build dependencies if you've no use for them anymore.
P.S.2: I've attached my build, you're free to use it.

How to generate a password from a number of randomly chosen words on linux

In the following example "/usr/share/dict/words" is a word list and "-n 4" specifies that 4 words are needed:
egrep "^[a-pr-xA-PR-X]{3,}\$" /usr/share/dict/words | egrep -v "[sS]\$" | tr "A-Z" "a-z" | sort | uniq | shuf -n 4 | sed -rn "s/^(.)(.*)/\\U\\1\\L\\2/;H;\${x;s/\\n/./g;s/^.(.*)/\\1/;p}"

How to use the VPN of a Windows virtual machine on the Ubuntu host via VirtualBox

Let's assume that you cannot make a VPN connection work on your Ubuntu host OS, but you can do it in a Windows guest VM. However you'd like to keep working on your host OS. If you've an SSH server on the other side of the VPN tunnel, then you're lucky, because setting up two port-forwardings is all you need.

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