Various tagclouds with Tagadelic

I've found a number of interesting tagclouds at Dries Buytaert's website. I've recreated the code (mainly the SQL queries) needed to reproduce the same clouds using the Tagadelic Drupal module. Take a look at them, if you're interested.

The following code creates the tagclouds that you can take a look at here.

1.) What people read about (tagcloud based on nodes' visiting statistics):
if (module_exists('tagadelic')) {
$vids = array(4); //  ids of vocabs for which you want to build a tag cloud
$sql ''
'SELECT SUM(c.totalcount) AS count, d.tid,, d.vid '
'FROM {term_data} d INNER JOIN {term_node} n ON d.tid = n.tid INNER JOIN {node_counter} c ON n.nid = c.nid '
'WHERE d.vid IN (' substr(str_repeat('%d,'count($vids)), 0, -1) . ') '
'GROUP BY d.tid,, d.vid '
$stats db_query_range($sql$vids0variable_get('tagadelic_page_amount''60'));
$tags tagadelic_build_weighted_tags($statsvariable_get('tagadelic_levels'6));
$tagcloud theme('tagadelic_weighted',tagadelic_sort_tags($tags));

2.) What people comment on (tagcloud based on nodes' number of comments):
if (module_exists('tagadelic')) {
$vids = array(4); //  ids of vocabs for which you want to build a tag cloud
$sql ''
'SELECT SUM(s.comment_count) AS count, d.tid,, d.vid '
'FROM {term_data} d INNER JOIN {term_node} n ON d.tid = n.tid INNER JOIN {node_comment_statistics} s ON n.nid = s.nid '
'WHERE d.vid IN (' substr(str_repeat('%d,'count($vids)), 0, -1) . ') '
'GROUP BY d.tid,, d.vid '
$stats db_query_range($sql$vids0variable_get('tagadelic_page_amount''60'));
$tags tagadelic_build_weighted_tags($statsvariable_get('tagadelic_levels'6));
$tagcloud theme('tagadelic_weighted',tagadelic_sort_tags($tags));

3.) What the website is about (tagcloud based on number of nodes):
if (module_exists('tagadelic')) {
$vocs = array(4); //  ids of vocabs for which you want to build a tag cloud
$tags tagadelic_get_weighted_tags($vocsvariable_get('tagadelic_levels'6), variable_get('tagadelic_page_amount''60'));
$tagcloud theme('tagadelic_weighted'tagadelic_sort_tags($tags));