Various ways to set environment variables in Ubuntu

It came to me as a surprise that recent Ubuntu versions store user-level locale selection (i.e. LC_* variables) in $HOME/.pam_environment. Eg. if you set some LC_* variable in your shell config (eg. $HOME/.profile), chances are that the contents of your .pam_environment file will override it for most GUI apps.

Why DLNA is worth to be hated :-)

The article makes it quite clear that DLNA had to be designed by morons. Smile I've a better explanation: it was an attempt to hard code the compulsory use of a few standards into a protocol to insure that everybody had to pay license fees who wanted to comply with DLNA specifications. Tongue

Nautilus natural filename sorting

Unfortunately Nautilus developers decided a long time ago (back in 2006) that sorting by name should mean "natural sorting". In their interpretation this means that filenames containing both numbers and letters are devided into "chunks" (i.e. characters sequences containing only letters or only numbers) and numbers are sorted numerically.

How to prevent Unity and/or Gnome from grabbing Alt+F1 (etc.) keybindings in Ubuntu

There're a lot of places where you can set/change these keybindings:
  • System Settings / Keyboard / Shortcuts / Launchers
  • CompizConfig Settings Manager / Desktop / Ubuntu Unity Plugin / General
  • CompizConfig Settings Manager / General / Gnome Compatibility / General
I did check the first two, but Alt+F1 and Alt+F2 were still grabbed by the system. It took me quite some digging to find that I had to disable this in CCSM's Gnome Compatibility plugin as well.

Intel USB 3.0 Monitor

It's a funny thing: I googled "intel usb monitor" to check/verify the purpose of "iusb3mon.exe" that is running in a virtualmachine I have to use. It took me to Intel's driver page. Unfortunately I'm not closer to the answer. Neither the readme, nor the release notes say even a single word about this monitor app. Sad Both tell me the system requirements and the install process for the driver bundle (that contains this monitor program), but nothing about it's purpose. Obviously the company does not think it's any of our (users) concern. Tongue

How to configure Chrome (in Ubuntu) to handle ssh://user@hostname links

The easy answer is: you don't. Smile Chrome handles all "weird" protocol URLs to xdg-open. And you configure xdg-open via xdg-mime. You've to create a *.desktop file and reference it via xdg-mime to handle the x-scheme-handler/ssh mime type. And you can point (in your *.desktop file) to a custom shell script to do the actual URL handling:
Exec=gnome-terminal -x /usr/local/bin/ %u

How to create a custom Unity launcher for a Java app (eg. SQuirreL SQL Client)

Take a look at the *.desktop file of jEdit (it's a text editor written in Java and ships in Ubuntu's universal repository). First of all: create a copy of jedit.desktop and modify all the relevant entries. Most of them are relevant. Smile
Now the problematic entry is StartupWMClass. If you don't set up this correctly, Unity won't be able to "identify" the process/window that is launched by the executable specified by the "Exec" entry.
You can start up SQuirreL and use xprop to get the correct value. I'll help you: it's "net-sourceforge-squirrel_sql-client-Main"

How to add an SSL certificate to Chrome's certificate list in Ubuntu

Update (2018.02.16): in recent Chrome for Linux versions (at least since 48.*, i.e. 2016 January ... I couldn't find an installer for older versions) you can manage SSL certificates using the GUI. Visit the chrome://settings/certificates screen and use the "Import" button on the proper tab.

First of all, you can view Chrome's certificate store here: "Settings" / "Show advanced settings..." / "HTTP/SSL" / "Manage certificates..."
The server certificates (you import) will show up on the "Servers" tab.
You've to install the libnss3-tools package and use certutil to manage the certificate store. It's location is: $HOME/.pki/nssdb.

Nmap simple stealth scan

The following example will do a comprehensive scan of all TCP+UDP ports without any pinging and including OS detection and version scanning and will produce verbose output:
nmap -Pn --disable-arp-ping -sS -sU -A -p- -v

How to batch convert documents to other formats using a VB macro in Microsoft Office

The linked page contains a Visual Basic macro that you can use with Microsoft Office (Word) to convert all files in a directory to a selected format (TXT, RTF, HTML and PDF are supported by the script). I've modified the script to support conversion to DOC and DOCX as well, and support embedding images into the document if you are converting to something else than HTML (this comes handy eg. in HTML->DOC(X) conversions). For the modifications I took advice from Rick Strahl, Calle Arnesten and Jouni Heikniemi.

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