Global warming - how to save our planet from ourselves?

Have you already heard about global warming? Probably yes since news is recently full of it. However in case your're one of the few who didn't: global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent (and coming) decades. Many think that it's just a theory (or a myth) of a couple of "crazy" scientists, but they couldn't be more wrong than that. The warming is a fact acknowledged now all over the world (where I mean not just scientists, but the governments of most countries too) and it's something that should make you worry and not just a little bit. Read on for some pointers on where you can go to learn more about the topic and what you can do about it.

To begin with, there's a very long and detailed article at Wikipedia. However if you're more of a visual type, then you could just go to the cinema (or rent the DVD) and watch "An Inconvenient Truth". It's a documentary on Al Gore's campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwide. Gore explains the warming in a way that even a 6 year child would understand so you don't need a degree in anything to get the point. At the end of the movie you also get a few tips on how you can contribute to the fight against global warming ... but to tell the truth, the basic principle is very simple: don't do anything to nature that you wouldn't do to yourself. Don't throw garbage on it, don't pollute or poison it and discourage anybody who does. Try to live in symbiosis with your surroundings instead of cannibalizing it. Greenhouse gases are just one thing on an endless list that people should stop producing, so do not think that we're all done if we can push down the CO2 concentration to some imaginary limit.

Saving Earth is not just a moral thing (as Gore suggests), it's our own interest. If we screw up things with our planet, we pull the coffin on ourselves. And that's something I'm sure nobody wants to do. Smile

PS: the image on the right is from the movie (An Inconvenient Truth) ... Wink


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Hey Zsolt, You've came in

Hey Zsolt, You've came in using your car not the tram! Wink

BTW I agree with these things (don't pollute or poison, etc) but there are several scientists who say this global warming is as usual as the seasons. There was global warmings before.

bicycle and other things

Tram is not the ultimate solution. Take a look at Beijing: millions go to work every day by bicycle. Of course they've bicycle roads everywhere in the city ... something that Budapest unfortunately cannot claim. Sad And as for me coming to work by car ... yes, that's true. However I'm going to buy a bicycle very soon (in the spring) and I will test whether I can come to work using it safely or not (on the way from my home to work there's a portion where one can cycle only between the cars).

And of course nobody said that people should stop using cars all of a sudden. Economy of all countries relies on gas at the moment. Without it life would not exist as we know it. However we should make serious efforts to minimize CO2 production and that's what I'm planning to do. I was quite impressed by "An Inconvenient Truth", you (and everybody else) should watch it too. Smile I've already changed some of my habits at home and I'm planning to change things in future too. Eg. I'll choose my next car to be one of the lower CO2 emitting models (maybe a hybrid one if I can afford it). I'll place the vehicle's environmental friendlyness to the top of my list of aspects. I'll buy electrical devices by considering their overall energy consumption and their effectivity in reducing consumption in standby mode. I'll turn off devices as soon as I stop using them. I've set my computer's energy saving modes to lot more effective settings (I've set it to go to sleep even if attached to the power adapter and left unused, and not just while on batteries). I already had an APC surge protector at home, but my DSL modem and the WiFi router were not plugged into it. So when I turned off my PC (or lately the notebook) and switched off the surge protector, the modem and the router were still on. I've now reconfigured my plugs and if I turn off the surge protector, the modem and the router turn off as well. There's absolutely no need to have them running while nobody is at home. Smile

Of course these are small steps, but mankind was not born in space ... it took such small steps for us to get there.

Yes, you're right these are

Yes, you're right these are small steps but I absolutely agree with you. I do the same but on other areas of life. Eg. I collect the papers and plastic bottles seperate to achieve selective garbage collection. On the other hand I don't know what they do with these kind of selective garbage but now they have the chance to reuse it.

Hey I have read the article

Hey I have read the article on wikipedia. And now I have realized that it's really true about the global warming. The temperature is really rising day by day and we should really have to do something regarding to nature. Thank you very much for the post.

Global Warming is without a

Global Warming is without a doubt a very real problem. Those who deny this are in denial!

There is too much work to be

There is too much work to be done. Many people still don't understand the real situation about the global warming and the use of natural resources without control. Only when enough people are aware of waht is going on will create a poweful wave to make change minds in the government.

Algore's movie

To be very true, it is difficult to believe his documentry. Perhaps people are going to use hybrid cars but they are going to do so due to high oil prices rather than global warming. Believe me, there are a few people who are going to care about it.

Gore explains the warming in

Gore explains the warming in a way that even a 6 year child would understand so you don't need a degree in anything to get the point. At the end of the movie you also get a few tips on how you can contribute to the fight against global warming ... but to tell the truth, the basic principle is very simple: don't do anything to nature that you wouldn't do to yourself. Don't throw garbage on it, don't pollute or poison it and discourage anybody who does. Try to live in symbiosis with your surroundings instead of cannibalizing it. Greenhouse gases are just one thing on an endless list that people should stop producing, so do not think that we're all done if we can push down the CO2 concentration to some imaginary limit.

love the image.

i agree that the world is warming, but i'm not sure it all humans fault. I have read articles that say that this was going to happen with us or without us, and that we have little say in the matter, i'm not sure whats going to happen, i feel bad for the wildlife affected, but natural selection still applies to some of it, i mean a polar bear has had it good, but i'm surprised they have lasted as long as they have in a place that has almost no food, and its an animal that needs to eat. A LOT. at several hundred pounds, it seems out of place as it is. i'm not saying that we should help it to extinction, but i don't think we're all to blame.

Re: love the image

Sure. Earth changes all the time. I'm aware that the climate would change even without mankind. But I believe (and I don't say I know since I cannot ... I'm nowhere near "knowing" Smile ) that modern civilizations add a significant speedup to the warming effect. On the other hand: I also believe that Earth would be just fine even if we did nothing to stop pollution, etc. A few thousand species would disappear (including humans), but "Earth" would still prevail. In a few million years our (bad) influence would dissolve into thin air and new species would arise.

Doing something about the warming is not for Earth! It's for us! We are the ones who will suck if climate get's unbearable. Smile Of course not today, not tomorrow. But soon enough so that our grand-children (or grand-grand children, etc.) will feel the pain. We should think forward ... a few hundred years in advance. I know: it's a lot to ask from people who have their own share of everyday problems (eg. where to get the money to feed the children and such basic stuff), but if we consistently ignore the problem, mandkind will fail to survive. I believe that the climate problem will grow faster than space exploration and terraforming will become a real alternative (I mean an alternative to keep living on Earth).

Thanks for sharing!

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Thoughts on this

I actually took an environmental science class and we talked a lot about global warming. We learned what is happening to the earth and talked extensively about things we could do to help stop it. There are so many pollutants and causes to global warming that we can't just stop it, but we can help it from getting worse. By doing small things like walk or bike to work every once in a while(if you live close enough to be able to) or even taking a tram(some cities have made their trams more environment friendly), we can help the earth get a little cleaner.

Re: Thoughts on this

I fully agree with you that we've to keep trying. Smile But I'm a bit pessimistic on whether we can reverse the process or even stop it from getting worse.

I believe that most of the pollution comes from industry (ie. corporations). Even normal and kind people can get very "dumb" in masses (and I mean no offense ... this is just how it is) and unfortunately corporations are nothing else than large masses of people trying to make a living one way or the other. So how should we expect them to make environmentally responsible decisions while they think as a group/pack and not as individuals? You could convince them one by one about what's happening to Earth and what should be done. But it's a completely different story to convince them as a group of people (as a corporation). I'm not sure whether it's enough if only individuals care and live "environmentally friendly". Can all the good done by individuals (persons, households) compensate for all the wrongs done by corporations?

Global Warming

I couldn't agree more with this article. I can't believe that people would actually say that global warming is just a myth. It is so apparent that there needs to be more done about this situation. I know recently people have started to pay more attention to it. Hopefully it won't be too late. Thanks for the article!