Right-click in Finder crashes it

I was quite sad to experience the first crash in my Mac OS X. Sad Fortunately it was "only" Finder that crashed and not the whole OS. I did a bit of googling and it soon turned out that such right-click crashes are 99% caused by 3rd party plugins.

How to prevent Mac OS X (Finder) from creating .DS_Store files on network shares?

The command is: defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
Check this for details on .DS_Store files.

Moving files between Windows and Mac OS X

I'm in the process of transfering all my stuff from my old PC to the new MacBook. I used to transfer files from the PC to other PCs through FTP using Serv-U. However Serv-U (at least v6.1) has problems with directory/file names containing national characters. I think Serv-U does not support UTF8 characters with FTP. Sad

Free webmail providers

Wikipedia has a comparison of webmail providers, although it is very short and lists only the biggest players. However in my country (Hungary) the three most popular are: Freemail, Citromail and Vipmail.

Postal experiments ;-)

A small team with plenty of free time decided to test the QoS of the USPS. Wink They've sent a number of items to US destinations and tested whether they arrived and if yes, then in what condition. Smile Check out the story at Improbable Research. I liked the one with the helium balloon the most. Laughing out loud

List of files within a Debian package

The command is: dpkg -L <package>

Generating sources.list for apt

The APT package management utility uses the "sources.list" file (usually found in the /etc/apt directory) for sources to fetch the packages from. On a networked system this file usually contains a number of Debian distribution mirrors. If you're not maintaining a mirror yourself, then the best approach is to specify the fastest sources close to your server. Here's how to find them ...

Circulus vitiosus :-)

PS: clicking on the image takes you to Dilbert's comic archive.

A guide to ssh port-forwarding for advanced users

Here's a very nice article about how to use ssh port-forwarding to achieve VPN-like functionality: "Breaking Firewalls with OpenSSH and PuTTY".

How to make Finder show all hidden files?

The tip came from OSXFAQ. You have to type the following commands in a shell:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

Btw.: this is my first post from the new MacBook ... Wink

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