iwiw v. nem iwiw?

Annyira jó, hogy a T-Online megvette az iwiw-et. Most pont olyan sz*r az elérhetősége/használhatósága, mint előtte. Tongue Persze minek panaszkodunk ... hiszen ingyér van ... csupán a személyes adatainkat kérik cserébe és mi az örömtől repesve önként meg is adjuk nekik. :->

Splitting tables into distinct sets based on foreign key dependencies

There're a number of Oracle tools/methods to transfer tables from one database to another one. However what if you've to do this over an unstable network connection? You cannot just dump the whole schema at the same time ... since if your network connection breaks, the dump will be most probably unusable. Solution: you've to do the transfer in batches to minimize the loss in case of a network failure.

About Windows memory usage

Some articles about how to interpret the values in Task Manager or Process Explorer:
  1. An introductory guide to Windows Memory Management
  2. Bruce Sanderson's RAM, Virtual Memory, PageFile and all that stuff
  3. RAM, Virtual Memory, Pagefile and all that stuff (an MS KB article with the excerpt of the prev. link)

How to build a home-made cannon

An amazing podcast at Makezin about how to make various types of "cannons" for shooting apples, balls, etc. What's coming next? A light saber maybe? Wink

Are they silly or what? :-o

I was looking for the Scrat video (mentioned in my prev. post) on Youtube (since I remembered that I saw it there) and found instead of the video only this: "This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner Twentieth Century Fox because its content was used without permission.". Why do they think that protecting their copyrights will help them by any means? Shock The movie industry gets only more money if customers become fans of movie characters ... and I think this was the point in the making of this short addon to the movie, wasn't it? Maybe they should update their knowledge on marketing? :->

Scrat - No time for nuts :-D

Scrat (the sabre-toothed squirrel in the movie "Ice Age") goes through all times to get his acorn. Wink Check the video here or here.

Shania Twain - Forever & For Always

I like both the song and the video. Smile

Full moon is coming :-)

Tomorrow will be full moon, a wonderful opportunity to take some nice shots. Wink I did it today (some hours ago) since it was almost full moon and it's not sure I'll get the same chance to take pictures on Sunday too. It was damned cold though (-1 °C) Shock and I was already in my pyjamas (as I used to be at 4:00 in the morning Smile).

Fixing "Domain name mismatch" errors with SSL certificates

You get a "Domain name mismatch" error in your browser if you use a basic certificate for multiple domain names (aka. virtualhosts) in Apache. All the theory about this is described in detail at the VhostTaskForce page and the Apache-related stuff at the VhostsApache page. I extracted here only the relevant info for generating a self-signed certificate for use with a number of virtualhosts.

Vertical alignment of DIVs?

I tried it hard, but I cannot get a DIV inside another DIV to be aligned vertically in the middle. Sad

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