Synergy: using multiple PCs remotely as "virtual desktops"

I've just found Synergy, a solution for easy parallel access to the desktop (screen, mouse, keyboard) of multiple workstations. It's a wonderful piece of open-source and free software. Unfortunately it does not support Windows Terminal Services, but it's still a masterpiece. Smile

Don't worry :-)

Mindig is egy ilyen klassz kis smiley-kitűzőre vágytam. Wink Most ráakadtam a tökéletes példányra ... lásd jobbra! Laughing out loud Kérlek írj egy kommentet, ha tudod hol lehet ilyesmit kapni Budapesten. Smile Köszi.

Embedding a Flash movie/animation in your "XHTML strict" compliant page

I've tried to embed a Google video on a page of my website and ran into several problems with the original HTML code that you get from the "Embed" link on the Google video page.


Még 2002-ben találtam ki, hogy nekem egyszer ugranom kell ... persze nem csak úgy -ki az ablakon-, hanem ernyővel. ;-) A megvalósításra egy évvel később került sor és a Tériszony Ejtőernyős Iskolának (közelebbről az akkori tandempilótámnak, Csala Zoltánnak) hála teljes siker lett: repültem, zuhantam és túl is éltem. :-D

A dohányzásról

Azt hiszem ennél jobban én sem tudnám leírni a véleményemet. Wink

Playing with PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET in 9iR2

I've just found some "ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes (string,string)" error messages in our alert file. A short search with Google pointed me to tweaking the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET instance parameter.

Others have already written down everything worth to say, so here are some articles that I've found most useful in this area:
  1. Undocumented secrets for super-sizing your PGA
  2. PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET: workarea is limited to 200M by _pga_max_size
  3. Forum discussion about "Sort Area Size"

Hidden Oracle instance parameters

You can query the instance parameters from the V$PARAMETER or V$PARAMETER2 builtin views, however there're a number of hidden parameters (referenced in various troubleshooting tips available on the net) that you cannot check through any of the documented V$* views.

Bug in 9iR2 with embedding an ANYDATA collection in an ANYDATA column

I've found another bug in 9iR2. Smile It occurs if you try to insert an ANYDATA collection (nested table) into a table column of ANYDATA type.

Bug in Oracle 9iR2 with the *JAVA$* tables

I've stumbled upon a bug regarding the CREATE$JAVA$LOB$TABLE and the JAVA$CLASS$MD5$TABLE tables.

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