Two funny Jolly Cola spots :-D

These are really good: part 1, part 2. Laughing out loud You'll need a bit of German to get the point or read my translation.

Amazing discovery :-D

I recently took a look at the list of registered users of my site and found that there truely are some people visiting this place. Smile However I do not really know why they registered (except for the very few who added comments to some posts)? Shock Registration does not bring any advantages/services/etc. with it. One of the users even uploaded a small picture to her user profile. Smile

Currently the only way of interaction is adding comments to my posts and this is available for anonymous visitors, too. This is quite a restriction so I considered adding a forum (in Drupal this is just a few clicks), where registered users can add questions/topics not related to any of my posts. Smile


A colleague of mine gave me the hint about RoundCube, a fairly new webmail client written in PHP. It uses MySQL (and supports a number of other databases) to store various data (sessions, user preferences, addressbooks, cache, etc.) and IMAP (with support for IMAP over SSL) to access the mail repository. It utilizes AJAX to add some extra over the standard HTML pages that so many other webmail clients already provide.

How much overhead do PL/SQL procedure invocations add to your code?

In my experience the overhead of PLSQL procedure invocations is so small that you'll most probably never have to think about it. In 99.99% of all cases the "real" overhead comes from the way you do things inside the procedure(s) and not from the procedure invocation itself. So putting as much code into a single procedure as you can won't help. Smile

Bizonyítás (Proof)


A film egy fiatal lányról szól (Cathrine ~ Gwyneth Paltrow) kinek az édesapja (Robert ~ Anthony Hopkins) valaha zseniális matematikus volt, de huszonéves korában (nem sokkal világhírnevet hozó publikációi után) szellemileg labilissá vált és nem tudott többé maradandót alkotni. A film már az apa halála után kezdődik, de a lány visszaemlékezésein keresztül megismerhetjük őt is.

A temetés után előkerül egy jegyzetfüzet, mely nagy valószínűséggel a kor egyik legjelentősebb matematikai bizonyítását tartalmazza. A lány azt állítja ő írta, de sem testvére, sem újdonsült barátja (egy fiatal matematikus srác) nem hisznek neki. A történet Cathrine harcáról szól az őt marcangoló kétségek ellen ... azaz, hogy esetleg örökölte édesapjától a labilitásra való hajlamot.

Érdekes film, de annyira azért nem zseniális, hogy moziban nézzem meg.

Monitoring and automatic restart of Exim after a crash

Normally a Linux daemon should work flawlessly and if it's not, one should try to solve the problem at its root cause. However sometimes this won't work. Either you cannot find the cause or you don't have the time to find it, but you have to make it work despite of crashes of the software. I had this situation in an Exim setup and came up eventually with a small script that I run from crontab every five minutes to assure the continuous running of Exim.

Avatar guide to various IM services

I'm usually online in a number of IM services (Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, Gmail Talk, AIM) by using the Miranda client. I change my avatars (contant picture) quite rarely so I tend to forget the constraints that these services put on the avatars one can use in their network. I collected the constraints for the avatars in these services here.

Grease - Summer Nights

Another old classic featuring Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta. I did not even notice before: Grease got to the cinemas in the year I was born. Wink

Jack Johnson - Upside Down :-)

Another nice little music vid. Smile I like the little monkey in the video. This title is from the soundtrack of the movie "Curious George". [update: youtube has removed the video due to so called "copyright infringement". I wonder why is publishing a music video (that was made to popularize the song and the artist) infringing copyrights ... but sure they know what they're doing. :-P]

Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Dani California

A quite amusing video about various eras of pop music. Wink

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