
Sicko, mint "szívás"?

Épp az imént láttam Michael Moore "Sicko" c. filmjét. Eléggé megdöbbentő és megvilágosító élmény volt. Egy dolog látni pl. a "Vészhelyzet" egyes epizódjaiban biztosítás nélküli embereket, de persze az ilyen Hollywood-sorozatokban a főhősök legtöbbször valahogyan megoldják a szerencsétlen emberek problémáit. De az igazság az, hogy az amerikai egészségügy még sz*rabb, mint a hazai. És ennek örömére mit terveznek a politikusaink: természetesen lemásolni az amerikai "jó példát".

V for Vendetta

This movie is simply the most magnificent comic adaptation I've ever seen. Shock I didn't expect such a move from the creators of The Matrix. I find it strange that it was not nominated for any Oscars ... while The Matrix was nominated (and won all) in four categories. Never mind. I've never really agreed with the nominations and winners of these awards anyway. "V" has a very fine set of actors lined up and is a lot more "intellectual", than any other comic movie out there. It makes you think and not just play the "consumer" of an audio-visual experience. Smile I suggest you go and rent (or buy) the DVD the next time you walk past a shop. Probably you'll like it. Smile

Karate kid vs. Hollywood babe?

In the 12th episode of the 3rd season of "House M.D." ("One Day, One Room") there's a guest star named Katheryn Winnick. I looked her up in IMDb because I've found her quite pretty (besides she played well too), I've never heard of her so I figured what other films she might have played in. Then it turned out she's not a conventional Hollywood babe at all: "holds a third-degree Black Belt in tae kwan do, a second-degree Black Belt in karate and is a licensed bodyguard". I doubt they just made this up and if that's true, she's one of the biggest "anomalies" in the movie industry. Smile What could be the reason for a girl with such a look to develop martial arts skills to that level ... and even sign up for a body guard training course? Shock This is far from normal to say the least.

The Mars Underground


This is an amazing documentary on the efforts of a visionary engineer who attempts to bring a human mission to Mars to life. It explains all the details in an easy to understand manner and tries to win the viewer for the cause. Smile I really liked it, worth watching.

The Simpsons Movie

This is gonna be huge fun. Laughing out loud
"Spider pig, spider pig, does whatever spider pig does ..."
Here's another short trailer on YouTube.

Breach vs. Master Spy

This is something that makes me always wonder: two movies, both from the Hollywood "dream machine", both telling the same story, made only a couple of years apart. Is there really so little creativity in movie makers' minds? Why do they struggle? Why not just making the same movie again and again? People would not have to bother what they're going to watch ... it'd be all the same, just with different actors, different sets. One could shoot a thriller, a love story or a drama based on the same characters ... who'd care. We're just the stupid mob, aren't we? Or at least I feel like being seen as one. Sad Aside from that, this one was quite the same in quality as its predecessor. It's again typical that one of them got an IMDb rating of 5.7, the other one got 7.4. It's maybe just me, but I'd bet that these ratings are just as much manipulated as eg. Google's pagerank.

Híd Terabithia földjére (Bridge To Terabithia)


Azt hiszem ez kb. az év filmje. Smile Semmi kivetnivaló nincs benne, teljesen elvarázsolt. Ha ez nem ríkat meg, akkor semmi sem. Ráadásul minden korhatár nélküli, gyerekek is megnézhetik. Mostanában nem voltam oda a Walt Disney produkciókért, de ez nagyon jól sikerült. Ráadásul magyar rendezte ... Smile

Vaskabátok (Hot Fuzz)


Végre egy film, melynél egyezik az ízlésem az IMDb értékelésével: 8.4 pont a 10-ből. Smile Kiváló paródiája a különféle "dirr-durr", rendőrös akciófilmeknek. Némi angol humorral van fűszerezve, így nem mindenkinek ajánlott, de annyit elárulhatok, hogy én betegre nevettem magam. Laughing out loud

Ryan vs. Dorkman 2

If you think you've already seen some good home made lightsaber duel, then think again. Laughing out loud This is the one we've been waiting for. Smile For geeks with enough bandwidth (and/or time) there's a high-res version (1280x720, 430 MB) over at You'll need their so called "DivX webplayer" plugin to watch that though.

Evan Almighty

This is gonna be fun. Laughing out loud I liked its predecessor (Bruce Almighty) too and Steve prooved to be a not so bad actor after all. Smile

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